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Daniel Clement on religion

A one-page undated note written by Daniel Clement (1796-1872) on his religious life.

I have been careless about the signs of religion almost all my dayes [sic]. I sometimes used to think of eternal things but, I thought there was time enough yet for me to repent. In this maner [sic] I have lived till a few weeks ago god was pleased to call my attention up, my sins were set in order before my eyes, the load of guilt which hung upon my breast was great. It appeared as though there was no mercy for me. I saw my condemnation just and that I deserved nothing but eternal damnation.

But god in infinite mercy appeared for me. He brought me to see my dependence on him, as I hope and trust then all my burden was gone and my heart risings ceased. The character of god appears altogether lovely and the bible appears to be a new book. I think I can say the things which I once hated I now love and things which I thought nothing about now seem to be well worth my whole meditation.

I now make known my desire of obeying the commands of god and think it my duty to make a publick [sic] profession of religion, therefore I desire to join in a full communion with the church, beging [sic] the prayers of you all that I may be guided in the paths of truth.

Daniel Clement
